Claire Fitzgerald

Head of Quality & Medication Safety

As Head of Quality and Medication Safety, Claire is responsible for leading the Quality and Medication Safety Unit (QMSU) – Icon Group’s internal governance and quality team for pharmacy services.

Claire and the QMSU team are responsible for the clinical governance, medication safety and quality pharmacy practice of more than 70 Slade Pharmacy, Epic Pharmacy and Icon Pharmacy sites. They also provide NSQHS accreditation and medication safety improvement support to our hospital partners.

She brings more than 20 years of hospital pharmacy experience in operational management, quality improvement and clinical research, medication safety, education and training, compounding, clinical trials, oncology and clinical pharmacy services to her role.

Claire holds a Bachelor of Pharmacy and postgraduate clinical pharmacy qualifications from the University of Tasmania and The University of Queensland. She is a member of The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia (SHPA) Speciality Practice ‘Medication Safety’ and ‘Leadership & Management’ Committees.

Claire is passionate about medication, patient safety and the role that pharmacists can play in public and private hospital landscapes and more broadly in the community, through quality use of medicines and extended scope roles.


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